Most frequent questions and answers regarding the postponement of EuroELSO Congress 2020.
No, it has been decided to postpone the congress to 29 – 31 March 2021.
The congress will remain at the QEIICC in London.
Yes. All registrations will remain valid for the new date and will be transferred automatically.
If you need to request a refund on your delegate fee, please email us (euroelso2020@interplan.de).
In these unprecedented circumstances, we will come to a mutual agreement.
Yes, the EuroELSO is already planning a virtual one-day meeting in addition to the postponed congress. We believe that lots of content has to be shared in these times. This virtual meeting will be free of charge. You can choose whether you would rather like to join live or watch a recorded version afterwards.
All abstracts will be published in the online version of the Perfusion Abstract booklet in May 2020. Please feel free to refer to this publication.
If the posters will be presented in March 2021 has not finally been decided, further information will follow.
We will contact you directly regarding your participation in the program.
We will contact you directly regarding your participation in the program. If you need to get in touch with us, please contact Mrs. Verena Daxeder (v.daxeder@interplan.de).
If you have any further questions, please send an e-mail to euroelso2020@interplan.de. Please note that we receive an increased amount of requests and a reply might take up to a few days.